Monday, December 18, 2023

Braised pork belly

This is part 2 of my remaining half of pork belly. It goes to the original braised pork belly or black soy pork (oh tau yew bak) plan. My intention is to make it really soft by braising , trying to achieve the taiwanese ru rou style aka melt in mouth.


For the saute on pan cooking part:

1 slab pork belly About 2 pounds -  using what's left from roasting

2 tablespoons soy sauce  - reuse the soy liquid from mayak egg marinate lots of them to create liquid

5 slices fresh ginger powder , dash of it about 1.5 tablesppon

3 stalks green onion Cut into 1 inch pieces replace with diced white onion, red onion, garlic, half tomato i got lying around and mixed meat powder

4 tablespoons chinese cooking wine You can use your favourite white wine instead - swapped to my cheap 2L Belo Vino 

2 pieces star anise Broken up - skip since i dont have

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon Optional -add a dash of it

For the dark soy sauce part, heat separately in pot.

2 tablespoons dark soy sauce

2 tablespoons brown sugar - used sugar



Cut the pork belly up into 2 centimetre thick chunks.  This is the traditional Chinese way of serving it.  Place meat directly on pan to fry no need oil lots of it will be extracted from the meat. After browning the meat in a separate pan saute the onion, fragrances along with the other seasoning ingredients and  the soy sauce mix cook for 15 minutes.

Add the browned meats, to saute pan and finally transfer to the pot with dark soy sauce and the brown sugar. Bring to a boil and then turn it down to a slow simmer. Cook until the liquid condenses into a thick gravy i just leave it up to 2 hours. It turned out similar like those ru rou pot broken down meat.

That's it, ready to serve! Result is pretty satisfying even though lacking the rare 5 spice powder in burek/balkan land.

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